Monday, February 1, 2016

Tsum Tsum Fever

Actually I kinda lazy when it comes to writing and updating on blog. I don't really like writing long essay or anything like that. But this time I want to share my experience when I went to Disney Store in Shibuya with my friend. It was aweeeesoooommmeee!!! Disney characters everywhere~ 
So this is the front door (maybe) of that Disney Store

And It's kinda crowded in there because it's holiday seasons and so many other tourists there. The store have 3rd floor and everything is Disney-ish (duh! It's Disney Store after all). They selling everything, almost everything! From stationery, wallet, bag, phone case, even hairpin and jewelries. When you have a chance to travel Japan, I recommended this store :') 

While me and my friend roaming the store, I'm just focusing my eyes only to find Stitch goodies, but this is came across my eyes.



SO CUTEEE!! It's Just like I want to collect it all!!!!!
 There are three size on the shelves, small, medium, and large. I want to buy the small ones, but well.... money matters again (I wish I can be rich) 
Even they have the Baymax and Hiro Tsum Tsum!!! 
Then after 1-2 hours inside the store, we went back to subway, and I only get Tinkerbell pouch for my mom, because she loves Tinkerbell so much. 
Well, thankyou for reading this meaningless post I've created. Here's Pinnochio for the last pic I've taken :)

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